How Does It Work?

Let’s get the ball rolling…

As someone once said, it’s good to talk, and a couple of conversations are all that’s needed to create a Poetic Licence poem!

Get in touch with me by email to organise an initial phone call about the poem you have in mind. We can discuss the lucky person (or people) and the occasion it’s for. Is it a big birthday, an anniversary or another special day? We can go through any questions you might have and, once you’re happy with all the answers, I will send you bank transfer details so you can proceed with payment in full.

And then…

The executive summary of the next steps is:

  • You talk to me over the phone about someone special in your life, I listen.

  • I mull over all the details and nuggets of information you’ve given me, I write and then I email you the draft version of the poem, along with an audio recording.

  • You give me feedback on what you’ve read and heard, and I tweak and amend as necessary. I then email you the final version of the poem, as well as the updated audio recording.

  • You sign off on the poem, and I organise for it to be carefully printed, framed and delivered.

  • In the meantime, you focus on everything else that needs to get sorted for the big celebration - simple!

Digging down a little deeper …

This is where the fun really starts:

  • Although it might not look like it, there are three people in this Poetic Licence poem - you, me and the lucky person the poem is for - let’s call her Jess, for now……

  • You know Jess but I don’t (yet) so I will ask you to tell me a bit about her, what she loves, what makes her laugh, what she’s brilliant at, why she is one-in-a-million. In order to capture all these great details, once payment in full has been made, I will email you the Poetic Licence questionnaire which will guide our conversation about Jess. This questionnaire is to help you gather your thoughts on her before we talk over the phone - you can jot down notes, but there’s no need to write long answers! When we’re talking, we don’t have to cover every point meticulously - these questions will simply ensure that I can pick up lots of lovely morsels that are relevant and can be included in the poem.

  • We can then arrange to talk through the questionnaire over the phone at your convenience. This conversation will last 20-30 minutes and is all about mining for the poetic gold that makes Jess truly unique. Generally I record this conversation so I can concentrate on listening to you, instead of scribbling notes. I’ll be able to go back through the recording when I’m drafting the poem, which is extremely helpful. I take confidentiality very seriously, and the recording of our conversation will never be heard by, or given to, anyone else. Please see the Terms and Conditions for more details, and do let me know if you have any concerns about this.

  • Approximately 10 days after our conversation, I will email you the draft version of the poem, plus an audio recording of the same. The audio recording will help you ‘hear’ how the poem flows (just like in A Birthday Ode - Piglet's Poem). The poem will be 99.9% complete at this stage but, that said, it’s very important that it captures Jess perfectly so this is the time to talk through any necessary minor tweaks or changes. These tweaks and changes can be discussed by phone or email, as works best.

  • Once we’ve had a chance to go through the draft, a few days later I will email you the final version of the poem, plus an updated audio recording of the same, for approval and sign off. Once it’s signed off, we’re good to go!

  • Having been approved, the printing and framing process takes approximately 10 days / 2 weeks. The poem is then carefully packaged and gift wrapped. Delivery details will be confirmed on a case-by-case basis. You can see more information on shipping and time frames in the FAQs.

  • The final step is in your capable hands - to give the beautifully bespoke poem to Jess! You can also play her the audio recording, if you would like to, or maybe you’d like to read the poem to her yourself?

  • Then comes the truly wonderful part - relishing Jess’s thrilled reaction and smiley face when she reads, and hears, her very own Poetic Licence poem. And, once it’s hung on the wall, you can then bask in the priceless brownie points you’ll have scored - congratulations!!!